New Mexico Association of Mortgage Professionals

Submit New Loan Originator Membership Application

Membership in NMAMP is good for one year, on an anniversary basis.

PLEASE NOTE: New member applications shall be submitted to the membership committee for its review and further submission to a vote of the board of directors at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Applications for professional, affiliate or associate membership shall require a majority affirmative vote of the board of directors at such meeting.

The Association will reciprocate equally in requiring our members to join the “NAMB”, and “NAMB” will require their members in the Association’s territory to join the Association.
All professional members are required to be registered with the New Mexico Division of Real Estate and MUST provide their registration number or proof of exemption.

First  add your membership to the cart, then fill out the form below, submit, then
checkout from the shopping cart on the right of your screen!

1. Loan Originator Individual New Membership – $299.00
This includes membership in the NAMB!

If you do not have a referring member just add Theresa Castellano
By checking the above box you hereby apply for an NMAMP and NAMB membership and pledge to abide by the requirements of the NMAMP and NAMB Code of Ethics and the NAMB Best Business Practices guidelines. You also pledge to support the NMAMP and NAMB By-Laws and board Policies, as they are now and as they may be amended.