New Mexico Association of Mortgage Professionals

Benefits and New Memberships

The New Mexico Association of Mortgage Professionals Membership Benefits

What does it mean to be a member and have membership in something? The definition says:

  1. Being member of something: the state or condition of belonging to a group
  2. Members of organization: the members of a group considered collectively

As you look at this definition it’s all about belonging and working together and bottomline is, there is strength in numbers. The NMAMP Membership Committee has put together a list of benefits of belong but I can personally tell you that the benefits go beyond that. You will meet an amazing group of professionals that are willing to help everyone. NMAMP Member Benefits

  • National Representation
  • Legislative Updates, Monthly Newsletters and Industry Alerts, Services of National Lobbyist.
  • Access to monthly educational seminars
  • At least 2 (Two) Discounted Social Events Annually, i.e.….ABQ Isotopes Night and Winter Ball
  • Community Involvement (NMAMP has raised money for the Ronald McDonald House , participated in feeding the ABC Home Makeover Edition volunteers, and partnered with the KAFB “Hearts Apart” program to provide toys for children who’s parents are serving abroad
  • Member discounts through the Strategic Alliance Program discounts
  • Representation on issues at local and national levels
  • Free monthly publication, “The Mortgage Press”, is sure to provide you with the latest news and information about your industry.
  • The Prestigious Lending Integrity Seal, visit
  • NMAMP Annual Convention and Trade Show
  • Access to National Association of Mortgage Brokers Conventions and Trade Shows
  • Membership e-mail service
  • Listing on the NMAMP website
  • Membership Certificates for your wall
  • Services of influential professional lobbyists
  • Spring Lobby Days in D.C.

Membership Levels

LOAN ORIGINATOR INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP $299 Annually (Includes NAMB Membership) – any NMLS licensed or registered loan originator

Includes: -membership to NMAMP -membership to NAMB -online subscription to The New Mexico Mortgage Press -representation on state and national legislative and regulatory issues -listing in the NMAMP Directory -8 hours Continuing Education -membership rates on monthly meetings, conferences, etc -full voting rights -eligibility to participate in all committees -eligibility to participate on NMAMP Board of Directors

CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP $150/LO and $25/non-LO + Flat Rate Up to 10 employees – $750 -Up to 20 employees – $1000-Up to 30 employees – $1500-31+ employees – $2000

Includes: -membership to NMAMP -membership to NAMB (LOs only) -online subscription to The New Mexico Mortgage Press (LO only) -representation on state and national legislative and regulatory issues -listing in the NMAMP Directory (LO only)ı 8 hours Continuing Education -membership rates on monthly meetings, conferences, etc -full voting rights (LOs only) -eligibility to participate in all committees -eligibility to participate on NMAMP Board of Directors (LOs only)

AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP $299 Annually– a company or individual in the real estate or mortgage industry who is not employed as a loan originator. This includes wholesale lenders, title companies, insurance companies, etc. One Flat Rate for ALL EMPLOYEES of the affiliated company.

Includes: -membership to NMAMP -exclusive opportunity to give 5 minute commercial at 1 monthly luncheon/year -discounted rates to sponsor NMAMP events -online subscription to The New Mexico Mortgage Press -representation on state and national legislative and regulatory issues -listing in the NMAMP Directory -membership rates on monthly meetings, conferences, education, etc -eligibility to participate in all committees and sit on the NMAMP Board of Directors as non-voting volunteers

ASSOCIATE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP $50 Annually – non-originator (managers, underwriters, processors) employed by a mortgage loan company (excludes wholesale lenders) who also employs LOs who are members

Includes: -membership to NMAMP -representation on state and national legislative and regulatory issues -membership rates on monthly meetings, conferences, education, etc -eligibility to participate in all committees