NMAMP Code of Ethics
As members of the New Mexico Association of Mortgage Professionals, believing that the interests of the public and private sectors are best served through the voluntary observance of ethical standards of practice, hereby subscribe to the following Code of Ethics. HONESTY & INTEGRITY NMAMP members shall conduct business in a manner reflecting honesty, honor, and integrity. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT NMAMP members shall conduct their business activities in a professional manner and shall avoid and report fraudulent and unethical practices to the Association. HONESTY IN ADVERTISING NMAMP members shall not advise, advertise or propose terms and conditions not available and not likely to be available. CONFIDENTIALITY NMAMP members shall avoid unauthorized disclosure of confidential information. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW NMAMP members shall conduct their business in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and abide by the Bylaws of the New Mexico Association of Mortgage Professionals. DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS NMAMP members shall disclose any financial interest they may have in the loan transaction. CONSIDERATION OF COMPETITION NMAMP members shall not speak despairingly of the business of their competitor or of a transaction being negotiated by a competitor.